drooled into a cup thanks to spitting in my suit
inside that doggerel mound the boiling neck itch
crawls the walls like laundry leaves hot snore
and my hair drinks that meat cloud but stops before
dandruff puzzles you or your ham too much
hot nuts remain interred a rat thinks they're
creaking toward compost and the funny thing they are
it's the proud lie the dead or shy gloves note
utter torrent lousy clock tall rabbit stray whiff of socks
when you shits into your cloak better make sure
biggest least moist sucking hangs around it's how
to taste corruption on your neck want to crawl to taste some
you're behind the toilet when frogs line the walls
want to sleep next a wide wheezing space
most who have two heads make funny twitching noises
next the lung next the stinky bunny so much to plan for
but I have to smile to myself and chuckle out strange
unintelligible words because I guess you could say
lumpy one is hung with grass one that's bright with spit
except when now and then it all becomes crusty theory
and bastards just a lot of bastards around here
thanks to JMB of 11.7 etc.
- Blaster Al Ackerman