Shattered Wig #28

Shattered Wig #28
Coming In November!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lily Herman Reads From Her New Book "Each Day There Is a Little Love In a Book For You" At Normal's Books & Records, Wednesday, November 13

Hearing Lily Herman read at an Artichoke Haircut night was a literary experience almost comparable to first reading Flannery O'Connor as a teen. My mind was transported and I was envious of her powers. Dryad Press has just released a new book by her and we are going to celebrate that fact Wednesday, November 3rd, at Normal's Books & Records - 425 E. 31st St.

There will also be readings from Adam Shutz, who is one of the organizers of "You're Allowed", the Artichoke Haircut reading series where I first heard Lily, and from Fitz Fitzgerald who I first heard at Chris Toll and Barbara DeCesare's series in the Bromo Seltzer building.

Before the reading to get our spirits moving and between sets, there will be music spun by DJ Mills.

Lily Herman was raised in and around Baltimore, Maryland. She had a short collection of poems, Better than some, not as good as some others, published by Furniture Press Books in 2011. She has been part of several of The Corresponding Society's anthologies, Correspondence, and has a poem in their upcoming reader, Foreverland. During the editing process of Each Day There is a Little Love in a Book For You, she was landlocked in Laramie, Wyoming, but has returned to the east coast again.

On Adam Shutz: Adam is happy. He tells himself this to make it so. He co-founded Artichoke Haircut. He co-founded "You're Allowed" (a reading series). He is happy.

Fitz Fitzgerald is a surrealist poet and theorist when he is not stupid. Author of Things to Do in Baltimore.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Mole Suit Choir's "Campfire Spacesuit" Hits The Streets and Ehse Airwaves!

Anyone who has stood within hearing distance of me the last year (yikes, it's been close to a year!), knows how excited I am about this project, The Mole Suit Choir, with the supernaturally talented and inspiring Liz Downing, who once stared down the horror of The Pig Boy of Booger Holler in Alabama. How is it that Alabama people have come to have such powerful influence on my life? Very weird.

This collaboration was first talked about at a wonderful Shakemore Festival and was given extra urgency by the passing of three close comrades. Singing again really gave me solace as some of the people who loomed largest in my personal vortex moved on to the next stage of this cosmic riddle. If not for Liz I might have become glued to the couch and just watched Breaking Bad over and over in a loop, the seasons spinning around me faster and faster.

Through a strange twist of Fate, Dr. Shugg Stew Mostofsky caught our second show at the Windup Space. From a languid sprawl on the leather couch he said he wanted to put an album out by us. The next thing we knew, Wee Ginger Lad Greg Hatem of Heart of Hearts and Mr. Mocassin was hopping about my living room with microphones and a portable recording deck. It was all very blissful and is now captured on glorious cds and cassettes.

Here is the link to Ehse headquarters where you can get a free download or order a cd or cassette:

Or you can use your human legs to cruise on over to Normal's in Waverly, True Vine in Hampden or Soundgarden in Fells Point:

We've gotten some really nice words about the record already. Here is some beauty from scribe China Martens:
"Glen Burnie, Poland meets Extraterrestrial, Alabama in Outer Baltimore from Inner Space: somehow they found each other, on their porches (I think it was Liz that knocked on Rupert's door, incredulous he answered, and without fear bundled up all his fears. Together they struck the matches and watched them burn, aglow, like bread crumbs soaked in firecracker rock worms); and picked up old instruments to continue digging their way out of the spinning yarn and into the fire. Come sit and warm yourself".

And here are some kind words from David Beaudouin:
Think George Jones & Tammy Wynette just back from an unexpected interdimensional jaunt, bringing with them sweet melodies, brilliant songwriting and the secrets of the spaces behind the stars. That's Mole Suit Choir, currently the leading lights in Baltimore's burgeoning neo-folk scene. Created by poet Rupert Wondolowski and painter Elizabeth Downing (both as well accomplished musicians), Mole Suit Choir gets to the heart of things as the best music does, with two voices entwined in high, lonesome harmonies accompanied by guitar or banjo. And like the best music, their oddly familiar songs will echo in your thoughts long after the lights go out. Highly recommended.

Come check us out Sunday, November 3rd at the kindly Metro Gallery on Charles Street, 7:30, for the official release party. Joining us will be Nathan Bell and Liz Durrette, plus readings by Stephanie Barber and Megan McShea.